AEROGON | Singapore

Permit Automation

POD is a fully automated permit issuance technology for ANSP’s to issue flight permits for operators. It is a guided transition from legacy system to an automated infrastructure. POD uses proven state-of-the-art technology components integrated into your existing system via cloud based services. 

Advance Passenger & Crew Screening

As part of ANSP and Operator compliance, POD will provide advanced security screening of all PAX and CREW prior to issuing permits. Our database is linked with governments and agencies throughout the world who frequently publish lists of personnel and entities that are restricted from entering countries or conducting business.

ANSP Development Consultancy

Aerogon specializes in pooling together industry leading resources to provide governments, ANSP’s and aviation authorities consultancy services in technology and organizational development. We work closely with key industry players that allows us to leverage their capabilities and provide you the access to the best knowledge available in the market.

Aviation Integrated Management System

The air transport industry plays a major role in world economic activity. One of the key elements to maintaining the vitality of civil aviation is to ensure safe, secure, efficient and environmentally sustainable operations at the global, regional and national levels.

Billing for Air Navigation Enterprises (BANE)

BANE is the only fully integrated and managed aeronautical billing service purpose-build for ANSPs, which simplifies and automates the billing process. Not only does BANE provide the systems to support next generation airspace yield management – our dedicated team also processes invoices, manages enquiries, accepts payments and returns cleared and validated funds to the ANSP. 

Border Management Systems

BANE is the only fully integrated and managed aeronautical billing service purpose-build for ANSPs, which simplifies and automates the billing process. Not only does BANE provide the systems to support next generation airspace yield management – our dedicated team also processes invoices, manages enquiries, accepts payments and returns cleared and validated funds to the ANSP. 

Permit Automation

POD is a fully automated permit issuance technology for ANSP’s to issue flight permits for operators.  

Advance Passenger & Crew Screening

As part of ANSP and Operator compliance, POD will provide advanced security screening of all PAX and CREW

ANSP Development Consultancy

Aerogon specializes in pooling together industry leading resources to provide governments,

Aviation Integrated Management System

The air transport industry plays a major role in world economic activity. One of the key elements to maintaining the vitality

Border Management Systems

BANE is the only fully integrated and managed aeronautical billing service purpose-build for ANSPs,

Flight Permits

We are your reliable partners for flight permit services, providing continuous solutions to elevate your aviation operations.

Ground Logistic

At Aerogon, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional aircraft ground handling and logistic support services.

World Meet and Greet

At AEROGON, we take pride in delivering personalized Meet & Greet services, crafted to enhance and simplify your global travel experience.

Our Products & Services


Permit Automation

Flight Permit Application is a fully automated permit issuance technology for ANSP’s to issue flight permits for operators. It is a guided transition from legacy system to an automated infrastructure.

Advance Passenger & Crew Screening

As part of ANSP and Operator compliance, Permit Operation will provide advanced security screening of all PAX and CREW prior to issuing permits. Our database is linked with governments and agencies throughout the world who frequently publish lists of personnel and entities that are restricted from entering countries or conducting business. 

ANSP Development Consultancy

Aerogon specializes in pooling together industry leading resources to provide governments, ANSP’s and aviation authorities consultancy services in technology and organizational development. We work closely with key industry players that allows us to leverage their capabilities and provide you the access to the best knowledge available in the market. 

Aviation Integrated Management System

The air transport industry plays a major role in world economic activity. One of the key elements to maintaining the vitality of civil aviation is to ensure safe, secure, efficient and environmentally sustainable operations at the global, regional and national levels. International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) was created to promote the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world.

Border Management Systems

Coming Soon!